Monday, January 31, 2011
Welcome February
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Love Note3: Four Years.. and still counting..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tips For New Mom 5 : Raising Boy vs Girl
Baby talk
Parents also tend to talk more sweetly and gently to their baby girls than their baby boys, and baby boys get bounced around more playfully before they're even old enough to giggle.
Role models
These days, the world is full of men doing what not so long ago was considered "women's work" and women doing "men's work". One key to helping your children develop an open mind about gender roles is to point out, for example, a male nurse or a female police officer, and speak positively about that person: "He probably decided to become a nurse because he likes to take care of people" or "She's protecting us all by fighting crime".
If you and your partner play fairly traditional roles in your house and that's not about to change, then you can find creative ways to expose them to other ways of living. Books, television shows and films with men and women in various roles are a great way to do this.
Princess dresses and football kits
Starting from when they’re toddlers, girls receive compliments on everything from their shoes to the ribbons in their hair, so it’s not surprising they want to embrace their girliness. It’s also a good way to fit in with the other girls around them and win their approval.
Reactions to emotion
This attitude can lead to boys becoming emotionally stifled and staying that way as adults. It’s a shame because in recent years girls and women have been encouraged to be more assertive and decisive, but boys and men have not been pushed to take on more feminine traits, like showing emotion.
Media stereotypes
Free to be you and me
This is a normal phase. Children have a deep-seated need to make sense of their world, and they aren't mentally flexible enough to be open-minded. They still see things in black and white. Or in this case, pink and blue.
If your little girl insists on wearing a puffy dress to go shopping, you may just have to go with it. At the same time, don't be alarmed if your son wants to play with dolls because practice in nurturing is good for anyone. When he starts having friends over to play, he'll probably hear that dolls are considered "girl things". He can then decide on his own if he wants to keep playing with the dolls.
As your children grow older, encourage their interests, including the ones that fall outside of traditional gender roles. If your daughter wants to play football or your son wants to take dance lessons give them a chance to discover whether it feels right. After all, in the nicest possible way, it's his life or her life, not yours.
Real Mummy Versus Yummy Mummy
On getting pregnant
She: takes out an ad in the Telegraph announcing her achievement and an ETA for yummy mummy junior.
On morning sickness
She: disguises her bleary eyes with Gucci sunglasses and recommends pregnancy to her friends - it's fabulous for detoxing, darling.
On pregnancy diets
She: trembles in her Manolos at the thought of putting on weight and books a crisis session with her consultant nutritionist.
On the pregnancy blues
She: hails a cab to see her creative healer, Nigel - proudly clutching her moonstone and practising a spot of ashtanga yoga on the back seat.
On hair
She: enjoys a weekly trim at John Frieda, reading Tatler and Vogue while her highlights are touched up.
On the first signs of a bump
She: dashes to Push in Islington for some customised Earl jeans, then over to 9London for another little black dress.
On maternity shopping
She: salivates at the opportunity to buy a whole new wardrobe and enlists a team of personal shoppers. How else would she carry all the bags, silly?
On pregnancy pampering
She: thinks that 'low-maintenance' means going a week without a pregnancy facial and massage at the Elemis Spa.
On buying things for baby
She: heads off to The Cross in West London to make a list and hires a party organiser to throw her a baby shower.
On skincare
She: is soooo inspired by her fabulous 'glow' that she dreams up her very own skincare range and pitches it to Clarins.
On shoes
She: is aware that motherhood means making sacrifices - and reduces the 85mm heel on her Jimmy Choos to a highly unglamorous 65mm...
On exercise
She: slips into a Juicy Coutre tracksuit and develops a holistic fitness programme with her personal trainer.
On underwear
She: squeezes into lacy Myla and plans to wear Agent Provocateur on her big night out at the Portland...
Tips For New Mom 4 : How To Feel Good During Pregnancy
Don't underestimate the power of make-up
Avoid any hair-raising hairstyle changes
Stay active to feel good
Hone your maternity fashion sense
Don't forget your skin
Indulge yourself
Talk yourself into a good mood
Tips For New Mom 3 : 7 sign that your child loves you
2. Your baby thinks about you even when you're not around. Between eight and 12 months old, he'll start to scrunch his face and look around when you leave the room — and he'll smile when you return.
3. Your toddler throws wicked tantrums. Nope, those screaming fits don't mean he's stopped loving you. He couldn't show he was so hurt and angry if he didn't trust you so deeply.
4. Your toddler runs to you for comfort when he falls down or feels sad. Children this age may not truly understand the meaning of "I love you," but their actions speak louder than words.
5. Your preschooler gives you a flower picked from the garden, a finger-painted heart, a sparkly stone or another gift.
6. Your preschooler wants your approval. He'll start to be more cooperative around the house and he'll look for chances to impress. "Look at me!" will become a catchphrase.
7. Your school-age child trusts you with secrets, such as his first crush or his most embarrassing moment. You're his confidante, even if he shies away from your hugs in public.
Special Tribute for Supporters!

Recipe for Ayam Golek (English Version)
Ingredient A
2 stalks of lemongrass
1 inch ginger
1 inch galangal lengkuas 1 inci
1 tsp turmeric powder (or 1/2 inch fresh turmeric)
1 pc candlenut
5 pcs garlic
2 pcs white onions
Ingredient B
2 tbs pre-blended dried chillies (chilli paste)
1 tsp chilli powder
200ml coconut milk
salt and sugar to taste
1 tsb fresh tamarind mixed with 1/2 cup warm water, take only the juice (or approx 2 tbs tamarind juice mixed with 1/3 cup warm water)
1. blend finely Ingredient A, with half portion of tamarind mix juice.
2. saute the blended Ingredient A with the chilli paste and chilli powder for about 3 minutes with medium heat, and then insert the balance of tamarind juice and coconut milk. let it boil for a while. stir occasionally. put some salt and sugar to taste.
3. once boiled for at least 2 minutes, lower the heat, and put in the chicken parts and let it cook for a while.
4. once the chicken is almost cooked, turn off the heat, and let it cool for a while. you may then roast the chicken in oven, or griller, or in BBQ style, by laying it piece by piece on top of the tray, or you may insert a skewer into each part of the chicken before roasting them, so they'll be much presentable. I roasted the chicken parts with oven (preheated 280 degree) using top and below heat in about 30 minutes.
5. don't forget to turn the chicken up and down after 15 minutes, so the chicken would cook thoroughly. once a while, re-coat the chicken with the extra gravy to prevent it from being too dry.
6. serve warm the chicken with the extra gravy on top of it. taste really good to accompany a warmly cooked rice.
try it, highly recommended, and good luck! please drop a comment for those who already tried the recipe.. thank you!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Resepi Peribadi Ayam Golek

Kali ini entri resepi saya dalam bahasa Melayu. Saya pernah mempamer entri ini dalam 'note' facebook saya tahun lepas. LINK Kali ini saya ingin pula berkongsi resepi ini dengan teman bloggers sekalian.
Emm, resepi ini saya cipta selepas teringat satu ketika dahulu menikmati 'ayam golek chef ismail' di The Chicken Rice Shop. sedap memang sedap, dan rasa kembang dalam hati bila suami pun turut sama memuji..
'abang recommend masak macam ni kalau ada guest dari Malaysia datang nanti'
ahh.. alangkah berbunga-bunga dalam hati, rasa terubat hati yang frust sebab sebelum masak tadi peeler baru yang baru dibeli hari Sabtu lepas menggantikan peeler yang hilang, hilang lagi.. baru berhajat hendak mengupas kulit kentang dengan mudah. aneh, tak patut kan rasa frust dengan benda kecik, tapi, itulah hakikat diriku.. all small things matter to me.
selepas puas menggoogle dari internet dan menimbang serta membuat kira-kira dan sedikit ubahsuai, maka jadilah satu resepi ayam golek, tapi kali ini sengaja menggunakan batang lidi, tambah mewah rupa ayam golek.. kalau ada daun pisang buat lilit ayam ni mesti lagi best, tapi apakan daya, saya cuma guna apa yang ada.
bahan-bahan utama, ini berdasarkan yang baru sudah dimasak sebentar tadi, more or less. :P
ayam dalam 1/2 kg (boleh masak begitu sahaja, boleh potong2 kecil kepada 10 bahagian, atau potong besar sedikit dari saiz ayam yang digunakan untuk membuat sate)
bahan kisar
serai 2 batang
halia 1 inci
lengkuas 1 inci
kunyit serbuk 1 sudu kecil (lagi bagus kalau ada kunyit hidup, dalam 1/2 inci)
buah keras 1 biji
bawang putih 5 ulas
bawang besar 2 biji
cili kering yang sudah dikisar dalam 2 sudu makan
cili serbuk 1 sudu kecil
santan pekat 200ml (dalam satu mug, saya guna santan kotak)
garam dan gula secukup rasa
air asam jawa secukupnya
cara membuatnya..
1. pertama sekali blend halus bahan kisar dengan menggunakan blender, dan blend dengan air asam jawa yang sudah dicampur sedikit air. (alamak, ni takde sukatan, main tuang aje, agak-agak bahan kisar tidak terlalu cair)
2. tumis bahan yang dikisar bersama 2 sudu makan cili kering yang sudah dikisar hingga naik bau, dalam 3 minit dengan api sederhana besar, kemudian masukkan air asam jawa sedikit (agak-agak masamnya seperti dalam masak rendang) dan santan pekat. biarkan hingga mendidih. kemudian perasakan dengan sedikit garam dan gula. (kuah ini perlu dikacau dengan kerap agar santan tidak menggumpal)
3. sesudah mendidih, kecilkan api sedikit dan masukkan ayam yang sudah dibersihkan tadi, dan masak hingga ayam hampir masak. kalau masak terus pun boleh, separuh masak pun tiada masalah.
4. bila sudah masak, tutupkan api, dan biarkan sejuk sebentar. saya gunakan lidi sate, cucuk dengan lidi ayam yang baru masak tadi, kemudian bakar. tapi kalau bakar begitu sahaja pun boleh jugak.. :) saya bakar dalam oven yang sudah di 'pre heat' dalam suhu 280 degree dan api atas bawah selama 30 minit.
5. balik-balikkan ayam selepas 15 minit, supanya ayam itu betul-betul masak sekata, dan jangan lupa sapukan kuah ayam tadi ke atas ayam bakar setiap 10 minit, kalau tidak nanti ayam tu kering sangat! kalau mahu guna kaedah panggang atas bara, lagi saya syorkan.. baunya, lebih ummphh!
6. hidang dengan lebihan kuah.. sedap dimakan dengan nasi ayam, nasi putih pun boleh, yang pasti kalau makan panas-panas sedap... husband pun tambah, 'kalau ada nasi dagang ni, layannn..' :p
jika suka, boleh lilitkan daun pisang pada ayam sebelum bakar, pasti lagi sedap..
dan selamat mencuba kawan-kawan, dijamin two thumbs up!
(masih lagi berbunga-bunga dalam hati.. ^^)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Bila Hati Berbisik
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Second Batch of Apam Kukus
I was writing in my previous post that I was going to make some more kuih apam. And now, here I am, enjoying a second batch of it. But this time I tried different recipe, using soda bicarbonate instead of dry yeast. Guess what, it cooked perfectly, and really tasty. Of course I made some adjustment to the previous recipe, but nonetheless it still good.
Recipe for Apam Kukus - Steamed Sweet Cake

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Welcome 2011!

Yesterday, just yesterday, it was last year. And today, it's new year. And now, while intently watching Mohabbatein, with little Umair napping by my side, and my husband with his chess game, my mind wanders, how love can really makes difference to one's life. I quoted, what Mr. Raj Aryan, one of the characters said in the movie, 'World is full of hatred, yet in heart lies thousand of loves' that statement really does significant to the world we're living in currently.