
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Between French Class And Walk-Tutoring

A few more hours, then I have to go for another French class, at CLL, near Quick Restaurant.. about 15minutes walk from home. I am thinking about my little one, who has trying to master his walk, the walk that I have lost the count. Being a walk-tutor to him is such a joy, I can never forget the way he took the step, his hand held his balls, and walking around the house, taking his corner.. so cute! and it always torn my heart apart, since he's a bit clingy nowadays, refuse to lose me from his sight. maybe because his daddy is not around, my husband has to manage some Malaysian's delegate. He have to accompany them from morning to evening, until they rest at night. Poor Umair, I'm sure he misses his daddy, as every evening, exactly around 6 to 7 pm, he'll say 'deh deh' quite a lot, and I know he misses his daddy. He sort of expecting his daddy coming through the door, and I can do nothing but telling him, "Daddy kerja, sayang". And he'll reply, 'deh deh, jah'.

Right now my little one is taking his precious nap. looking at him, so serene, I can never imagine how some cold-blooded people punished their children for no reason. I mean, torture a kid. They're so innocent, and with an angelic face, one can never being so demon to them. I swear to myself, I wont let anyone or anybody hurt my child. And I will protect him as long as I am alive. He's my flesh and my blood.

About the French class? I love it so much. It's really an opportunity for me to educate myself, being in a 'jobless' state right now, that class should do much for me. Well, nobody will understand, the dilemma of a mother...

And you?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mummy's Toblerone's Very Moist Chocolate Cake

Actually, this post is dedicated to what happened last week.. Umair's birthday is just around the corner, so just planning to bake a special chocolate cake for him!

Ingredients? So easy to get, and lots of them are available from the nearest grocery. I was inspired by a friend, she put her status in Facebook, "teringin makan Ikea Daim Cake". POP! A question emerged, does it reaaaallllyy delicious? Then finally decided to do some reserches, about the IKEA Daim's Cake, when finally I knocked-up this website (ops, forgot the address, sorry!).

That recipe is using exact measurement, but I don't have any kitchen scale to help. My trick? I swapped every 150g to A CUP, and I used it for every ingredient, such as flour, sugar, butter, milk.. etc. And I swapped 15g as ONE TABLESPOON. Normally, my resecipe will use less sugar, say, if in the recipe it need 200g, I will only use 2/3 cup of sugar. Why? I have baby! He loves cake, but I can't control the amount of sugar if I feed him with cakes from bakery's. So, the best for him is I bake for him his cake, and of course the sugar will be less.

This is my new, enhanced recipe, already tried, and amazingly sooo delicious! and so moist! Even after a week stored in covered container in refrigerator, the moist is still there.

I name it 'TOBLERONE'S CAKE' because I use Toblerone as the topping..

2 cups sugar
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp soda bicarbonat
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cups cocoa powder (i used van houten's)
1 cup melted margerine
1/2 cup cheese cream (melted in room's temp)
2 eggs
1 cup hot (boiled) water
optional - 1/2 cup dried fried + choc.chips

5 blocks Toblerone
1/4 cup water
1 tsp margerine


1- mix all the dry ingredients.
2- pour in melted margerine and cheese cream
3- whip in beated eggs in the batter, mix well.
4- pour in hot, boiling water, and mix well.
5- mix dried fuits and choc chip.
6-grease cake pan with margerine, bake at 170deg, 30-40mins. put a bowl of water inside the oven.
7-for toppings, whisk the ingredients in saucepan over very low heat until becomes smooth and shiny.
8. once the cake done, let it cool a while, then pour in the toppings.
9. put into refrigerator overnight, then serve......

this is a very simple recipe, and you might need only an hour to mix everything, and until it perfectly bake. I only use hand whisk, the one use for egg-beater. you can always use another brand of choc for the topping, say, Daim Choc, Nutella Choc. Spread, Cadburys..

Well, the cake is totally something! I managed some slices for the embassy's staff, and thanks to them, I AM SO GLAD they loved it!

My love Umair, be patience, I'll bake the special one for you. That was a trial, a practise for mummy.. I want to make up the best cake for your first birthday.. And I'll decorate it as pretty as I can.. just to show all the people, you're my love!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Si Kecil Yang Sudah Pandai Berdiri

Senyum seketika, melihat lena si kecil.. entah apa yang bermain dalam fikirannya, entah apa mimpi yang sedang dialaminya.. ingin juga diri ini kalau dapat menjengah minda muda yang masih lagi suci dari noda.. sayangkah dia pada diri ini? cintakah dia pada diri ini.. lucu.. bila si ibu tertanya-tanya adakah sayang si kecil menggunung tinggi seperti sayang si ibu.

Umair sudah pandai belajar berjalan! Sejak usianya enam bulan, Umair baru belajar berdiri, dan sejak sembilan bulan, Umair sudah mula bertatih-tatih. Alangkah sukanya hati melihat si kecil bertatih-tatih, dari selangkah, bertambah tiga langkah, kemudian tujuh langkah.. kemudian enambelas langkah.. dan semalam, baru malam tadi, dua puluh tiga langkah! Kalau dulu mummy asyik menghitung berapa lama si kecil bertahan berdiri sendiri, kini menanti saat si kecil berlari. Betapa bahagia menjadi seorang ibu, keseronokan yang sukar digubah dengan kata-kata.

Lagi 3 minggu, genaplah usia Umair setahun. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. Namun tidur masih lagi mahu dalam pelukan mummy.. Manjanya sayang mummy ni.. Masih lagi mahukan susu ibu, masih lagi mahu didukung.. Manjalah sayang, manjalah.. mummy tetap sayangkan Umair.. Mummy berdoa, kuat-kuat mummy doa, semoga Umair membesar menjadi anak yang soleh, anak yang baik, bijak, mendengar kata. Amin. Mummy ada surprise untuk Umair, tunggu lah tak lama lagi ye sayang..

Daddy Umair kerja sungguh-sungguh untuk sara kita sekeluarga. Hidup di perantauan memang banyak dugaan, dan kena bijak berkelana. Mummy sayang Umair, Daddy pun sayang Umair.. Walaupun mummy sedih sebab mummy tinggalkan kerja mummy di Malaysia, mummy tetap bersyukur sebab punya ruang untuk melihat Umair membesar di depan mata mummy, mummy jaga makan minum Umair.. mummy sayang sangat dekat Umair..

Tak lama lagi datuk, nenek dengan pakcu umair nak datang melawat kita dekat sini, seronoklah Umair nanti, ada ramai orang nak kelek nak dukung umair. Masa tu mesti umair dah pandai berjalan, dah pandai berlari.. yang indahnya, beberapa hari lepas tu Hari Lahir daddy.. dan ketika itu, musim bunga.. Masa tu, mummy akan buat something special untuk baby dan daddy.. Umair pun boleh tolong mummy sama!

Umair sayang, mummy ingin sayang tahu, dengan bangga mummy beritahu semua orang, "I AM PROUD OF YOU" dan mummy sayangkan Umair, buah hati mummy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hidup Di Perantauan

Kadang-kadang terasa lucu bila mengenangkan saat-saat masa duduk di Malaysia.. macamana lah kalau dapat hidup di negara orang, let's say, melancong ke.. tiba-tiba peluang besar macam ni datang dalam hidup, tinggal di negara orang, tambah pulak, negara empat musim. syukur alhamdulillah, si kecik pun selesa tinggal di sini, semakin hari semakin manja dengan mummy dan daddy.

Kalau dulu terpandang-pandang dalam tv, mesti best duduk luar negara.. rupanya bila dah lama duduk, Malaysia tetap di hati. Mula-mula sampai, memang hati berbisik, "mesti seronok..." bila dah rasa.. "sejuk...." kalau dekat Malaysia, sarung selipar pakai baju selapis dah boleh keluar rumah. Sekarang, bila nak keluar saja, kena siapkan macam-macam, kena bawa baju tebal, takut-takut suhu tiba-tiba drop. Kena pakai kasut, tak nak angin masuk. Umair kena siapkan baju tebal, kena bawa dalam beg, baju tukar, kena bawa stokin extra, kena bawa gloves, bawa vaselin. (agak banyak prosedur..) tapi yelah, hidup di negara orang, kenalah ikut budaya setempat. takkan pakai baju kurung.. menggigil satu badan.

Belgium, top famous must-have-before-leaving-for-malaysia is CHOCOLATE! yumm, sedapnya coklat belgium.. bagi yang sedang cuba berdiet, (seperti diriku), memang satu dugaan, apatah lagi kedai coklat pelbagai rasa banyak di sekitar kota mahupun dalam pekan kecil. yang pelik majoriti golongan orang belgium ni badan sederhana, dan ramai juga yang mempunyai potongan badan mungil bak model. Dalam hati, "ahh! cemburunya!" tiba=tiba datang semangat untuk berdiet. Walau apapun, diri ini masih mampu tersenyum bila daddy Umair usik.. "mummy ni makin hari makin cute! daddy sayang tau!".. lepastu akan merajuk balik, bila daddy umair bisik, "mummy kalau dapat pakai baju kahwin tu mesti mummy cun gilerr.." huh, cakap berlapik-lapik! cakap jelah nak mummy kurus balik.

Haaah.. dugaan, memang azam di sini salah satunya selain daripada mendidik Umair dengan penuh kasih sayang, ialah mengecilkan badan dengan sepenuh hati. mungkinkah?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dinner Mummy dan Si Kecil

Dinner... bila dah selalu sangat masak, dah tak sure nak masak menu apa untuk dinner. lauk ayam, lauk daging, lauk ikan, lauk seafood... masak halia ke, masak sambal, masak black pepper, masak halia, masak sweet sour, masak sos, masak kicap, masak kurma, masak kari madras, goreng ajer... kukus, sup... dah macam-macam rasa semua main 'campak-campak' je dalam kuali...

Kali ni dengan rasa cukup bertuah suami kesayangan hamba telah menyediakan santapan istimewa beliau... 'lamb steak' perap dengan halia... 'medium cooked', tak terlalu masak sangat masih 'juicy', tak mentah sangat, tak kering cukup lembut untuk dimakan ala-ala 'hotel style'... siap guna 'knife and fork' gitu... terkenang saat-saat berdua denganmu di Colmar Tropicale... dinner berdua... actually we were having a special candlelight dinner.... at that French-theme park... cuma satu je kurang... lilin takde... huhuhu....

Kalau dulu selalu berdua... sekarang dah bertiga... seronok mendengar suara anak kecil di rumah... bermain bergelak ketawa... anakku yang comel sedang dalam proses belajar merangkak... rasa kelakar pula bila dia dah pandai angkat badan, tapi bergoyang-goyang belum lagi maju ke depan. si kecil pun baru sudah dinner... makanan pejal bayi yang mudah dibeli di pasaraya, campuran nasi, sayur lobak merah, tomato dan ikan salmon.... sedap yang amat tak sabar-sabar jejaka kecil ibu nak merasa makanan perasa baru. biasa mummy bagi makan pisang lenyek campur epal, kadang-kadang bubur nasi, cereal nestle beras dengan sayuran... tapi bila bagi minum air dengan botol susu, tak nak pulak... yelah minum susu badan tak minum susu botol tu sebab tak berapa suka dengan botol susu kot... nak minum air dengan cawan biru kecil dia jugak... lepas tu satu baju dah basah dengan air sebab dia nak main sembur-sembur... takpelah sayang... sekejap lagi mummy bawa sayang mandi yee... kesian pagi tadi tak sempat mandi... sejuk sangat la cuaca di Belgium ni.

Daddy pegi ofis lepas makan malam tadi... kesian daddy sibuk sangat dengan kerja. cuti-cuti pun dia pergi pejabat jugak. dekat sini hari masih terang. walaupun jam dah pukul 8.30 malam, tapi seperti masih pukul 4 petang waktu di Malaysia. takpe daddy mummy faham... mummy dengan baby sayang daddy...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I still remember (dedicated to my dearest husband)

I do still remember how we used to be

Feeling together yet missing the togetherness, as our love was meant to be

Both of us were dreamers like the only couple in the world,

I feel like you’re my saviour when you came to me,

Offers warmth and shields that I needed most

I do still remember how sad the look in your eyes,

When days slowly passing by, slowly departing our time together,

So hard for you to let me through the airline door,

And how heavy my feet to step away from you,

Losing and missing the romance between us

I do still remember the worries in your face,

Felt terrible, almost crying as the world has come to the end,

As I was lying down on the delivery bed, pushing in agony,

How hard you want to help but nothing you can give,

Desperately looking tough, but crying inside by the sight of my pain

I never forget dear those sacrifices,

You forced yourself to be strong to send me off at the airport,

You forced yourself to be cheerful even you’re in big problems,

You forced yourself to stay near to me in the ward though you have lots of task to be done

You forced yourself to stay awake, to accompany me in delivery room,

You forced yourself to be calm even during my greatest screaming pain,

You forced yourself to work to feed me and baby…(and still forcing yourself)

These are my short love poem I wrote especially for you…

I always love you dear, but I am not a good romancer,

Even my English are far worse than yours, the meaning is deeply carved just to only you…

Thank you dear God for these bless...

You give a man and you give me a son...

Thank you dear God for these love...

You give me worlds and you give me lifes...

Alhamdulillah....syukur atas nikmat Allah...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Umair Current's Progresses - Part 2 (as observed by Mommy)

Umair - Newborn to One Month Old

Day after delivery, Mommy's milk didn't flow enough for Umair. Poor Umair during those days, thankfully grandma stayed with Mommy at the ward the night after Umair was born. She fed Umair with few ounces of formula milk, to help eliminate hunger. The night after, Mommy managed somehow to feed you, and always more than enough milk for Umair.

3 days after Umair's birth he was suspected jaundice. Poor Umair as the doctor jabbed his knuckles only to confirm the result, as he was slightly yellow at his face. And the result was unmistakable, a slight jaundice, just a 'borderline' case, as the doctor's said. After 5 days at the ward, Mommy and Umair finally discharged from the hospital, with an appointment for Umair's next blood check-up. Mommy was started to drink jamu as part of Mommy's post natal care, but the doctor advised Mommy to stop drink that jamu for a while. That happened about a week after Mommy tried the jamu, after another blood test performed to check whether Umair was really suffers from jaundice.

Almost after a month, Mommy took Umair to Hospital Putrajaya for another check-up, as Daddy already got his first posting, so everything needs to settle fairly quick. Turns up Umair's wee was clean, and Umair's blood count was also normal, and the prediction was 'a slight jaundice because of continual breastmilk'. Mommy did everything, looked up in the internet, and Mommy did finds out, 'its always natural for breastfeed babies to have slight jaundice on their face, and if their growth and weight is consistent, without any sign of lethargy or sickness, you can always be sure that your baby is considerably healthy'.

Mommy did catch Umair's smile, really smile during the month, and very cheering happy face... And those two big eyes, always so curious, and always observing around his world. Mommy still remember Umair's first cut, someone had accidently clipped Umair's already clipped nails, and that tiny thumb bleed, ouch! mommy couldn't bear hearing Umair's cries, really ached mommy's heart... mommy even shed tears that very night... but someone did remind Mommy, 'that's alright, he's a boy, he need to experience pain'. but still Mommy was very hurt that moment...

During Umair's first month check-up, Umair weighted 3.87, almost a kilo! And those tiny legs had already pumped a bit... Umair refused to be wrapped, and loves cool environment.

--------to be continued---------

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Being a mother...

I guess being a mother is never an easy task. So many to be fulfilled, yet never have enough time to finish them ever. I came upon the realization, even a good mother do complained, though most of them prefers to hide those feelings and, afraid if others will labels them 'uncaring mother'. That's harsh.

Living in Brussels, does somehow teaching me not to busying on others business, but focused on what I already had. Never compare your deeds with others, and always respect others opinion. Something that was hard to experienced back in my homeland, where those 'caring' neighbour keep prying on others.

My baby is entirely with breastfeeding only, and thankfully, that really eased my life a bit. No bottles to be cleanse and disinfect, no water to be boiled for the baby's milk, no stressing question to be answers on choosing the right brand of milk that don't upset the tummy. Whenever we went for an outing and my baby cries for food, we only had to find some nice place to sit, and within a flick of second I take a seat and feed my baby. And I do feel comfortable, even with people moving to and fro, I sensed their 'that's okay' thought upon seeing me feed my baby. Well of course I do take the 'ethically' measure, I do my best to make sure my baby had enough feedings with a minimum exposure of my flesh. And I do notice people around me seems don't really mind, as seem as when a mother breastfeed a baby in public that's really common.

Even with these blessing... (alhamdulillah for this precious gift)... I can't help but expressed my thankful for the understanding shown by husband last night. He assured me that I can take a rest this morning, when my baby showed his playing skills all night long. My baby refused to sleep, even after I sang, I fed and change his diapers, he kept waking at night, with a cries that hard for me to translate. And that keeps going on till I realized its 5am in the morning! Duh... hard for me to accept... but surprisingly...I have to say...there's not even a bit of anger inside me towards the baby acts, only craves for understanding and support from my husband. And he did provide me enough of them that makes me smiling all day long.

Guess that makes me realized that mother's love IS eternal... and I can't produce even a littlest angry words for my baby... but love and only love all over. I found its hard to blame that tiny precious creatures, and even with the tiredness and sleepiness with the aches on my backbone my baby managed to produce a smile from my lips with his little noise. 'He's tall already...' is one of the sentences I spoke to my husband this morning. Yes, I did shed some tears, I was tired, I didn't get any sleep, I have lots of chores to be done, some meals to prepare...all I need was a pair of warm hands, easing my shoulder... assuring me everything will be alright... and somebody telling me I've done the best as a good mother should be... whatever my heart craves for I do have to express my thanks to my husband... to do the best that he could in that early dawn by helping soothing the baby while I managed myself a few minutes nice nap.

Again... that's a mother's role. I love my son, I love my husband. It's just a thought, unrealistic I must say that I think I am always a good mother. To be a good mother one has to experience hate and tense, and when the loves pour you'll never want to stop them, no matter what are the stakes. Last night, I do feel no anger to my son, but a stupid feelings that said I am fail to be a mother, that leaves me with tears... but with showers of supports I managed to banish those thought away.

I wish my son can understand, I always love him no matter what... and I wish my husband can read these, no matter how complicated your wife is, your wife always grateful with the supports and loves that you give. And with that... I love my son, and my husband. As always.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Umair Current's Progresses - Part 1 (as observed by Mommy)

Umair - newborn

Umair was delivered via emergency Cesarean-section because of Mommy's poor progress, and the doctor's concern over the drained and painful and over-exhausted Mommy after almost 10-hours struggle to dilate. Umair weighted 2.9 when he was born, and 48cm length. Mommy have quite a weak eye-sight and couldn't look the details on Umair's body after Umair was delivered. But mommy remember through the quite blurry vision, and even Mommy's lower half body was sedated, Umair was born bluish and grey and with whitish mucous all over, and not crying as Mommy's expected. Then Mommy heard a suction's noise, and few seconds later Mommy heard Umair's first cry... And so suddenly Mommy's tears fall with happiness. Though daddy was waiting outside (the standard reg. in Putrajaya Hosp. during cesarean labour), Mommy feels grateful with Umair, and Thanking God for giving Mommy and Daddy a healthy son. Then one of the nurse brought Umair to Mommy, asked Mommy to confirm Umair's gender, and let Mommy kiss Umair. Then Mommy saw Umair's skin was already pink all over, and the white mucous was still covered around Umair's body. They brought Umair in that state to meet Daddy outside, and Daddy said Umair has open his eyes widely and looking at everybody curiously, and was playing with bubbles. Daddy recite azan, and then Atok, Nenek and Atok Rosli taking their turn to carry and praise Umair. After mommy has been stitched, Mommy's lower half part of body was still paralysed, mommy can't reach to hold Umair, and mommy was adviced to remain lying back at least 6-hours after the delivery. Mommy want to cuddle with Umair, sadly Mommy couldn't, and no one realized this...

----to be continued----

(it's playtime with Umair! 11.36am, 18/03/09, Le Royal Luxembourg Hotel, Luxembourg)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Teething Sign?

Another day...another new experience. Umair is 3 month and 3 weeks, almost 4 months. These are what he experience, but mommy still playing guessing game...

These week Umair has started to 'speak' while biting his lower lips, and in a such complaining manners, and screaming to the top of his breaths, which mommy found quite scary and worrying... Mommy did some researches and found out others who experience the same situation. Some said their baby were going through a growth spurt phases, some claimed theirs just having an unexplained colic phases, and some agreed that their baby is teething.

Is Umair teething? Mommy googles some websites, and found a few signs and symptoms of teething in babies. Most paedetricians agree that 3 month or 4 month baby teething is not something that's weird. Teething is differs in each baby. Some may start as early as newly born, and some may start later, perhaps 9 or 15 month old.

To compare with the symptoms given by the paeds online, some of them are really match with what happens to Umair lately.

Drooling and Biting. Yup, Umair drools heavier than before, often wet his chin after some very serious 'biting' of his own fingers, and always trying to push his knuckles inside his small mouth. When Umair gnawing Mommy's shoulder, usually mommy have to change cloth. Umair's 'watery gum' often attack Mommy's cloth and makes it less nicer to wear around. Daddy has bought him a nice decent teether, suitable for 0-6 month, and put it in the fridge. But when Mommy put it on his gum, he'll refuse, and crying, upon the chillness that rubs his cheeks. Then Mommy did persuaded Daddy to buy another smaller teether, soft with gel inside, and we try give it to Umair, when Umair only reponse was refusal.

Irritability. Yup, Umair is clearly irritated with something, but not in every 24-hours a day. When Umair is relax, he can squeals, and he can babbles a lot, and when he's hungry, (Umair prefers breastfeed than expressed breast milk in bottle), mommy will nurse him until Umairs full. There are times when he's very happy and playful, but often lately he cries and cries and screams. The only things that soothes him is to nurse. But always he falls asleep after a few minutes slow nursing. Mommy guess he may be thinking when the gum is in pain it's better to sleep, and he is not crying because of hunger.

Clinginess. Yup, another bull's eyes for this. Lately Umair demands to be on Mommy's chest, Daddy's arms. He'll give a warning of ''don't leave me alone or I'll scream'' look when Mommy put him on bed for a while to ease Mommy's arms and shoulder (he's already 6kg!). Umair even want Mommy to be his bed when he's napping, if Mommy tried to put him down he'll scream, as if he was being alone. The sight of Mommy nearby is not good enough for Umair...

10 Reason Why I Am Proud Of My Husband (2009)

1. He gave me a wonderful gift from heaven... our little son, Umair...
2. He fathered my child... Umair...
3. He carried our baby in baby carrier whenever we went outing (though society always prefers mother to carry their child)
4. He laughed and babbled with our son in public places, even others were staring, and most of them will be smiling
5. He tolerated our baby's cries every night, and picked him to soothe him when I am exhausted
6. He brought us delightful dessert on his very own birthday, just to entertain me (as I am taking unpaid leave to join him)
7. He brought me to Brussels, Belgium, a place I never dream I could reach without him by my side
8. He understand my inability (unavailability) to prepare his dinner (when I couldn't) and always offers a hand to prepare me steak, yummy...
9. He helped me with the ache on my backbone, and understand my drained energy every time he's home...
10. He bought me the nicest red dress I always wanted, and smile with delight when I put it on

I love you...and we both loves you... and happy birthday dear darling, wish you 27th birthday as wonderful as ever... my dearest Shahril Nizam Abdul Malek

From your most loving wife... Dewi Manja Alleh and your sweetest son... Umair Iskandar Shahril Nizam

Friday, March 13, 2009

Umair New Habits and Activities

Umair is already 3 month and 2 weeks...and these are his newest hobbies...

1. gnawing his own knuckles with wide-open eyes and big grins, and drools, so does biting his lower lips (teething? Mommy's curious...maybe too i right?)

2. munching mommy's neck and shoulder and pulling down mommy's top when mommy carries Umair around

3. forcing mommy changing clothes after happily spitting a half-cup of curdled milk on mommy's shoulder... mommy's tummy... mommy's chest... (another laundry job for mommy...)

4. hands and feet paddling during bathtime (Umair loves bathing in bathtub, and he smiles a lot! cute! melting mommy's heart...)

5. talk a lot (babbles of course, boo-weyy, booh, gooh, aabooweyy, hey, ahh, oohhh, meh, ngeee, eng-gieeh, mah, mieh, deh, dah, niehh, hoouh,wey, beeh, and sooo many -words- Mommy can't recalls) before and after bath and during changing nappy

6. trying to lose from mommy's hand when changing nappy by pushing himself to his side. (mommy need to hold Umair firmer or he'll grab those dirty nappy with his hands)

7. squeals when he sees his own reflection in the mirror, or during playing with mommy and daddy (can't wait to hear him giggles and laughing)

8. loves to jump, hop and hop (thank you to Umair, even mommy tired, mommy still can put a smile, mommy's arms are in better and slimmer shape now!)

9. soothes daytime only after carrying him to and fro, will get very upset if mommy put Umair down, without 'asking his permission' at first (mommy exercising a lot during the day)

10. 'chewing' his Mr. Paddington Bear's hat deliciously and the red hippo's ear teether

11. attracted to red object (once he looked tentatively to a lady's maroon red shawl at the Aparthotel's lobby, and observing mommy's shocking pink tudung, and prefers his bright red hippo teether than the green water-filled teether)

12. making sound, staring mommy and playing with mommy's top during feeding

13. playing in his newly bought musical Fisher-Price Rainforest baby's seat with hanging toys for a while (daddy bought at Premaman shop)

14. sleeping off-pillow between mommy and daddy (once, Umair surprised daddy when Umair moved around during sleep, and from diagonally to horizantally, with his head near daddy's rib and his feet just beside mommy's arm) - quite worrying, and we plan to move him to his own crib soon.

and so on... I cant put them all here... hehe...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mummy's New Figure

Mommy was 50kg when mommy miscarriaged on 28th December 2008, after losing a 3-month baby, and an extra 3kg from the previous 47kg.

And mommy gained weight again almost extra 20kg, and mommy last weight during carrying Umair was 71kg...huhuhu... but hey... that's worth everything.... Umair was born healthy... 2.9kg and already opened his eyes and played bubbles!

Mommy slowly losing weight... from 65kg after delivery to 59kg (last checked on 20th January 2009). And now, mommy can wear almost all the cute ladies shirt, and slowly getting shape again...and already can fitted most of M size to several of S size clothes, but still depends on the cutting (ahaa... good news to mommy!)

Still daddy asked mommy to lose weight... and achieve back those 47kg, and lesser... perhaps 44kg is better for daddy... now mommy have new task to accomplish... losing weight! but steadily of course... Umair prefers breastfeed than expressed breast milk in bottle! If mommy lose weight too soon mommy's body wont produce enough lovely sweet milk for Umair! So daddy have to wait. Poor daddy he has to accept the hard fact, mommy will lose weight, but not as soon as he desired... (yet daddy never admit that...hehe... but mommy knows! cheeky!)

Mommy loves you Umair! No matter what... no matter what... always loving you... and daddy also loves you!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chapter 6 : Our First Chill-Out in Brussels

Last two weeks on Saturday, after returning from airport, (assisting somebody from Ministry, who're on the way back to Malaysia) my husband took the opportunity to take both of us for a nice fresh air, hehehe and also buying some new winter outing gear for our little one. And with the help from the Belgian driver, we did find some nice baby winter outfit, which were far cheaper than in Malaysia. We managed to enter the Premaman shop, only, as our only intention were to buy a proper baby winter clothes. And then we went straight away home.

That night, my husband decided it was time to take us for an outing. He said so many nice thing about this 'Grand Place', and he did drew a very ingenious plan through after a very in-depth researches on the best possible way to get there via public transport. And I did carried away with his innocently enthusiasm about going to this bespoken place in Brussels, and I did imagined us, there, taking lots of pictures, and enjoying the view. And guess, it turned to be something else. One funny moment, we were almost getting ourselves nowhere! To think back about it, it must be quite a bit embarrassing for not doing a little bit more extra researches about the place that we were intended to visit. The Grand Place. We went via metro train, and before we set our foots to the Grand Place, we pull a stop at Rogier station, and there we were, just in front of the City 2, the newest shopping complex in Brussels. And then we continue our journey to the Gard du Nord station, (my husband said that is the nearest station to the Grand Place).

Upon reaching that particular station, we took some pictures just outside the building, trying to find a sight of the so-called nearest station to the Grand Place.

Well, of course there's nothing so grand nearby, but we maintained positive thinking. It may be hidden between the buildings, and maybe just a few blocks ahead of us, or maybe that Grand Place is not a very tall building. My husband then took the pride, practicing his ability to converse in French to one of the ticket manager. From my understanding, it suppose to be only about 'deux minute', or 2 minutes walk from Gard du Nord station. My husband said, it could be 5 minutes of 'my walk' to that place (I do find that the Belgians walk faster, to be compared with us in Malaysia).

After what I believe the most farthest distance and the quickest almost running walking effort I ever did non-stop in those very chilling and biting air and took us almost 20-minutes, finally....unexpectedly...there were we, passing the Rogier station, again? Say...the suppose to be shortest route to the Grand Place turn to be the other way round... And how I manage a big laugh to my husband, even though my foot really aches, plus I was a bit worried with the chilled air touching my baby's face.

My husband in his uplifting spirit maintaining his positive thinking, and he encouraged us to continue a little bit farther. 'It must be nearby, and we must be almost there', I believe that was what ringing in my husband head. We did stop at one of the bookstore, and my husband again asked the shopkeeper about this 'Grand Place'. And she said it's just another 5-minutes walking. And again, upon calculation on 'my walk', that should take at least 10-minutes walking.

Then, after almost 5-minutes walking, we decided it was time to pull over. Maybe next time, when the air is warm enough and not as biting as that air. And that afternoon, we took tram to Avenue de Tervuren, to my husband office. By the time we reached Embassy, my baby has crying for food. Poor Umair, he must be hungry, as we took almost 4-hours doing some trial-and-error journey to this Grand Place. And he must have somehow digested all the food remaining after I feed his in the morning before we went out. Quickly, I took my place on my husband couch, in his office and nurse my baby. And he was hungry! Well, babies do need fresh air sometimes, right? And what an adventures, yet to be experience.

And what a big laugh I have after, that very day...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tips for New Moms 2 : Baby, time to sleep!

The order is not important here:

1. White/background noise.
Some use a the sound of rain or a hairdryer sound on continuous repeat while your baby is daytime napping and at night. It's a supporting approach that helps baby sleep well while parents sleep well. There don't appear to be any bad side effects, and it makes sense to gradually lower the volume and move on from white noise after a few months.

2. Swaddling.
If you are a parent then you have probably already heard about this technique. A tight swaddle in a comfortable blanket keeps your baby from swinging their hands around and waking themselves up, it is a key to good sleep. You may want to spend the money on a Miracle Blanket but a tight swaddle from a normal blanket can work fine. Again its a good idea to transition out of this technique as the months go by because you don't want your child becoming dependent on the swaddle for sleeping.

3. Don't react to everything.
Small noises should be ignored at night. Often first time parents are ready to jump up and feed or comfort their child on the basis of any sound at night, this can be fine in their early weeks when the child isn't a good sleeper. Remember that a baby will really tell you when it needs something; peeps and snorts can be safely ignored because babies will rise out of heavy sleep into light and back into it many times a night. Better to wait for real noise--not minutes of screaming, but a real "wah wah". It's tough but you will find that you can suddenly start to have some real sleep, making more quality time available when your baby needs it. From all reports it doesn't damage the child whilst if you leap up every time he or she peeps, you're disturbing his or her sleep.

Some have suggested using a clock or watch and really waiting for that 10-15 mins to go by - one minute of crying can seem like half and hour to a heart struck parent and the use of a clock or watch can help deal with the pull of the child's sounds.

4. Make night-time feedings, changings, and comforting "dark, quiet, and boring".
There is no need to sign and rock late at night to get your child to sleep. You can see instant improvement from this technique and can apply it pretty much straight away. If you really need to rock your baby back to sleep at night, then perhaps do it rhythmically in a glider chair in the almost dark with perhaps a few nightlights. Avoid the daytime "play sounds" or singing too much as your child will think it is time to wake up fully.

5. Sleep/Baby Positioner.
Consider a foam positioner that elevates your baby especially if you have issues with some reflux which is common among infants. Positioners with side sections can also restrict rolling around and make for quieter nights.

6. "Vitamin A&D ointment" with nightime nappies.
Then don't change unless you really have to overnight. You may find that you do need to change your baby at some point during the night, but often you may find that 6 to 8 hours can go by before a change is required. The Vitamin A&D Ointment prevents diaper/nappy rash. As infants get older their nighttime diapers/nappies may shift from being a mix to almost entirely wet and not very. Check whether you can wait until morning but probably best to be cautious early on or the cot/crib can become a real mess.

7. Consider a Co-sleeper crib/cot.
Basically a co-sleeper is a bed sidecar. It means parents can keep their bed as the adult bed whilst keeping your child nearby for nursing and other nighttime needs. Your baby will get used to sleeping in his/her own space, without being too far off. Arm's Reach seems to make the only co-sleeper and it may be tough to get your hands on one if you are outside the US. Some may not like this idea as your baby's every move/grumble is likely to wake you. Another more high-tech option is to buy yourself a baby monitor (which monitors sounds from another room) and then you can listen in or tune out depending on your preference at that time.

8. Daytime naps every 90 to 120 minutes.
Babies should generally take a nap from every 1 1/2 to 2 hours during the day. The nap can last from 30 minutes to 2 to 3 hours, but should be in a normal room: maybe a crib/cot with all the general noise and light of the daytime. Remember this is a nap, not nighttime sleep. Start this only after about 6 weeks and remember to put your baby on their back not just allow a sleep in other positions, also try to use the same cot as you use in the evenings so that your baby is more used to this space for sleeping. Infants may fight the nap for 10 to 15 minutes but with a little rocking, singing, or bouncing on a ball your child can nap well thereafter. These naps can help a lot for the nightime stretch.


Tips for New Moms 1 : Tired Signs

Basically, your baby cannot communicate in words, and so she is designed to use body language (and crying) to convey her needs and wants to you. She will smile, babble and look content when she is well rested. But when she is tired she may display these behaviours:

Clenched fists
Jerking movements of the arms, legs or head
Rubbing eyes
Scratching eyes or face
Grimacing, Yawning
Crying or grizzling

If she is displaying any of these tired signs, this is your cue as the person she depends on to take action. Wrap her up, calm her and get her into a regular settling pattern. It may take some time to notice these signs, and to get them under control. Tired sings may appear any time after waking, feeding and playing. This varies from baby to baby. But you will eventually get to know her rhythm, and respond accordingly.

Missing tired signs usually results in an overtired, over stimulated baby who is difficult to settle. Once you get a handle on tired signs, it will change your life. Believe me! This knowledge was the only thing that made me feel confident enough to have three more children!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Chapter 5 : What A Night...and forgive mommy...

Oh what a night. My baby was very cranky last midnight. And I didn't have any idea why. I already fed him twice (in a row), changed his nappy, burped him, sang to him, held him. I was so distressed. The peak was when my husband almost tick-off (I mean in a positive way, as he never raises his voice to my baby, and when he started to, I was pretty scared) as he was very tired after a very hectic and busy day in the Embassy. Trying my best to act as an understanding wife and caring mother, I need to handle that matter very delicately. What I did last night was I took my baby to the living room and I slept with him clung onto me, on the sofa. We moved back to the bedroom at 6am. I do feel and still feel guilty to my baby simply because I did scold him at the living room last night. I was really tensed last night, as I was having a quite severe headache, plus with my husband discomfort during the night. Thankfully, after taking a Panadol this morning the pain somehow lessen. And thankfully, my husband was in a good mood this morning, and did kiss us both. And Umair woke in a very cheerful mood.

And now, Umair is napping on the bed, after I played with him this very morning and fed him, and changed his nappy. Looking at him, so peacefully sleeping, a very angelic features... lovable one... how could I come to scold him last night. What a shame...

This morning I promised myself, I'll dedicate my free time to play with Umair. He is really dependent to me these days. He want to cling on me every time he is awake. And another fact here, healthy babies do grow rapidly and steadily, and we never realized it as they grew in our very own eyes. And that really put me through a workout sessions, only by holding him on my shoulder while busying myself doing some of the daily chores.

But no matter how angry I am, how tired I am, now I came to realization, a mother's love is eternal. I couldn't help but trying to beg for forgiveness to my son, even though he's too young to understand my doing. I couldn't help but to love him and care for him, as he is a gift for me from God. He teaches me to control my feelings, to be more mature, to be kinder and gentler, even during his uncontrollable anger.

Honestly here, sometimes I do mad at my baby, but to tell you the truth, I never love someone as much as I love my baby...the mother's love...although I love my husband soooo much, that would fall to another category (sorry dear... but I am all yours, and the baby is ours...)

The weather outside is very nice, and I can see the sun is shining through the window. I do hope today will be a better day for us. There's always a first time, and it's never too late to learn, and there's always room for perfection... Well, nobody's perfect, am I right?

Mommy is so sorry... mommy got headache last night... Umair, will you forgive Mommy for scolding you last night? I'll try not to do that again, no matter how tired I am... Sorry dear...Mommy loves you so much!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chapter 4 : New Experience, Living in Brussels, Belgium

It's been a week (10 days to be exact) since we arrived in Brussels, Belgium. What an experience. I was having a slight fear on how will my baby react during the long hours flight. But then again he did make me proud on his behaviour during our first flight together to Kota Kinabalu. Not even a single tear shed, (except for nappy changing and hungers) and even the passengers played with him all along the way. He did adjust to the changes of altitudes by simply gulping himself some air, to ease the pressure off his ears. And he did not sleep all along the way. Even his daddy was impressed! And still, IS IMPRESSED!

That was my first 'balik kampung' after almost 2 years being in Semenanjung Malaysia. And yet, now I am here in Belgium, and most probably wont be in Sabah for at least the next 4 years ahead. My feelings? All mixed-up. And I prefer not to talk about it... as the subject could be very touchy. To be here for at least 3 years, requires a lot of sacrifices. As a career woman, it's hard to part with job. But, I manage to pull it through. I took unpaid-leave, leaving my career as a student's counselor back in SMK Cyberjaya, which had kept my brain working... (guess I need to find alternatives to workout my mind) I leave my fellow friends, which shared all the joy... not to mention my own relatives... My nation...

But then I keep a positive thinking. I have a new family on my own. With my husband and my baby boy, that should make a difference to my entire life. Trying my best to be an obedient wife and loving mother, I wish to help improvring our family lifestyle. I am trying my best to polish my soft skills as new mother, practice some singing lullaby, practise my speedy cooking skills, using a few basic French language with the cleaning-maid here in Ambiorix Aparthotel...and taking care of my beauty (what?)... again... I need to look good to give people good impression to my husband...

Back to Umair story again... he did proved to us how well-behaved he was during our 13 hours flight from Kuala Lumpur to Amsterdam. (a 4 hour transit before Brussels). It has been a very long night travel, and I did confused a bit, as we were departed at 12.00am, midnight at KLIA, and to arrive Amsterdam in dawn, when in Malaysia was already past midday. My husband did some talk with the stewards on board to Amsterdam, and they praised Umair! One of the stewardess from Kedah said there was one baby boy travel to China, he was crying all the way on board, which they secretly thought very annoying to other passangers, and the mother couldn't do anything to help him.

At first we do have some problems in adjusting to the new timezone here. Being used to Malaysian time, and the difference, -7hrs in Brussels, really makes me almost doze-off every time I nursed my baby. Luckily enough, by this tenth day all of us are almost settle in. For the first week, Umair was a bit cranky, maybe because of the dryness of the air that we inhale here, or the dimness lighting in this apartment...he was quite tough to handle at the beginning. Thank God by today, I believe Umair has almost settle down, he always smile to me when I feed him, and that really melt my heart! He even chuckled! And that really cute!

Can't wait to hug my husband. He's been quite busy this week. Poor my husband. He got cold just a few days after arrival, by his exposure to the extreme cold (well, -2c is considered extreme, isn't it?), just to buy us some groceries to stock up the kitchen. Anyway, he's getting well, but recently he always exhausted when reaching home. The top-person of the Ministry is right now visiting Brussels, and there's lot to be done in the Embassy. Last night he reached apartment just after midnight. And tonight, he'll be home quite late. Tomorrow, he'll go to Netherlands...for a day-round trip, with some of the Embassy officers. And again, I'll be alone with my baby.

Another new experience today, I bathed with Umair in the 'jacuzzi' (the apartment claims)... and that was a very happy moment for both of us. Umair loved paddling his little feet while I balanced his body in the water. And by that, I managed to get Umair's father jealous... hehehehe... (sorry darling... you are busy, so Umair has all the chances with his mommy...)

This afternoon, I "SKYPE"ed with Umair grandparents, and they really delighted to saw him. I did get them to some tour around this aparthotel, and everything went smooth.

Well, it's getting dark here. And I think Umair need changing. I love my husband, I love my baby....wish us all the best here...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chapter 3 : A New Life Experience

Alhamdulillah... my dearest Umair Iskandar has introduced himself to the world on 26th November 2008. And guess who is the happiest person on earth (except me, of course the most most most happiest person)... his daddy of course! Well, he said Umair was playing with bubbles, eyes wide open, and silently stared everybody upon his arrival to meet him... hehehe... I gave birth to Umair by ceaserean, due to some problem, and i really think that kind of birth method is very helpful, though I really wished I could experience the normal labour.

This is my newest joy, after 2 miscarriages that took away some of my breaths, and really cried my heart away. And my dearest sweetheart.. you always melt my heart.

Hopefully with this new company in my small family, the love and connection that ties between me and my beloved husband will tighten as time goes by. And dear Umair, mommy loves you so much! My little angel!

Monday, February 2, 2009

From Umair's Cot

Assalammualaikum Chacun!

Hi... bonjour! Je m'appelle Umair Iskandar. J'ai 2 mois. Je suis de Malaisie. J'aime ma mère et père. Je suis à Bruxelles d'accord. Mon père travaille ici pour cela quatre ans. Je manque ma grand-mère et grand-père et mes parents en Malaisie.

Mon père est Shahril Nizam et ma mère est Dewi Manja. Mon père m'a dit d'être fort, intelligent, brave et gentil. Ma mère m'a dit d'être une personne agréable, sympathique et douce.

Je veux être le meilleur. J'apprends maintenant. Attendez jusqu'à ce que je devienne plus vieux, je m'avér à mon père et mère.

Bien a fini aller. J'aime mes parents! Aimez-vous la maman et le papa!

Au revoir! Bonne journée!