For someone who's still learning and catching up udates in managing a blog, I guess I can already proud of myself for the achievement I've made, in 6 months, I've made 1961 visitors! Yes, there were some entries made as if years earlier, but here's the truth, with the 'post option' button located at the below left of new post entry box, you can always modified the date and the time. Thanks 'BLOGGER' for this useful tool! Hey, I am not cheating.. (^^) those were real entries, real dates, I've wrote and made, and published, but some posted in my friendster's blog, and some in my other blogspot pages. Those were the exact date those entries were posted in world web, (of course through different medium). My purpose is solely to group every blog I've wrote in the internet in this kisahdewimanja.blogspot.com page.
For info, I have two more blogspot, http://kisahseorangsuri.blogspot.com/ and http://mummypages.blogspot.com/, (feel free to drop by) but I already compiled each post, which I finally decided in May 2010 there'll be only one active blogspot, Love And Life Of Dewi Manja.
Again, thank you for the supports for this half year anniversary of kisahdewimanja.blogspot.com publishing.. :)
And here I dedicated my current favourite music to all out there.. enjoy!
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