I just remember a friend of mine had requested me to share my personal recipe of Apam Kukus - steamed sweet cake. Actually I found the recipe in different version in myresepi.com (feel free to browse, there's lots of reliable recipe you can try). But I adjust it a bit to my style. I promise to share the recipe once I could free myself from chores. To those who are not familiar with apam kukus, it's a sweet spongy cake using dry yeast as one of it's ingredients. Some swapped yeast with natural yogurt, some may use baking powder instead of dry yeast, but in this recipe, I used dry yeast.
In the pix below, I made three design, one is plain red apam, second is white with green dots, and the third piece suppose to be marble, but I forgot to blend the mixture with toothpicks.. hehe.. so it became so-called two layer apam cake.. :)

Mind you, it's so simple and quick, and it really taste good!
What you need..
Ingredient A
1 cup of water
1/2 cup of white sugar (you may use brown sugar if you like it coloured naturally brownish)
A piece of pandan leaf (screwpine leaf)
Ingredient B
2 cup of plain flour
3/4 cup warm water (warm to touch, not hot)
1/4 cup white sugar (you may adjust the amount to your preferences)
1 tsp dry yeast
1/2 tsp salt
1-2 drops favourite food colouring
1. Cook Ingredient A until the sugar is completely dissolve (not to boil it), and let it cool aside. Once it cool, remove the pandan leaf.
2. Dissolve dry yeast in the warm water, let it aside for a few minute.
3. Meanwhile, mix the rest of Ingredient B, (except the colouring) in a big mixing bowl. Add in the cooled Ingredient A and the dry yeast mixture into the bowl.
4. Using egg whisk (or just a spoon), combine the mixture slowly until smooth, and over the bowl with cling wrap for at least 45 minutes. (or until the mixture has raise twice its volume)
5. Add in few drops of your favourite food colouring to add colour to the apam, or just let it naturally white. (Here comes the creativity, you may make it coloured like a marble cake, or decorated in polka dot.)
6. Grease a medium size cake tin with cooking oil (I used margerine, and I prefer individual muffins mould instead of cake tin), and then pour the mixture into it.
7. Steam the mixture for about 30-40 minutes, or until it done.
8. Voila! Serve it warm. You may cut it into your desired size. It taste really good with dried desiccated coconut mixed with a pinch of salt, or with maple syrup, or serve it just like that.
1. It would be easy to serve if you use muffin mould. But if muffin mould is hard to get, you may use souffle paper cup, instead of muffin paper cup.
2. To make a marble-like steamed sweet cake, you need to divide the mixture into two or three parts, then colour each part differently, e.g plain white + red + green, or plain white + green, etc. Then pour some from each parts into the tin slowly, started from the corner of the tin, one by one until all the mixture has been poured.
3. To make a polka dot design, divide the mixture into two or more parts you wish (depend on how many colours you want to make). Then pour some into a muffin mould, then carefully, drop few spot of different mixture into it, making it looked dotted.
It was a hit in my family. Using this recipe, I managed to made 12 pieces of apam kukus. What delighted me more, all pieces gone in just about an hour! What a delightful evening tea we had last week...
Writing this post, suddenly I'm thinking of making a second batch.. yummm.. my maternal instinct said I want to eat this cake.. I know little Umair love this cake as well, especially when served warm. By the way, I'm 5 months already, another 4 months to go.. wish me luck!
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