
Friday, November 9, 2012

Work Calls...

Hello friends...

Last few week I was not well, I had a fever, my temperature was like over 38 degree with body aches, as if having flu. And after some paracetamol and clarinase, this morning I feel better, although I still had the body aches, which I took Panadol for Joints and Muscles to relieve the tightness of the muscle ache.

I just want to share, I almost gotten myself into trouble. Luckily I was driving just about 70km/h. There were three incidents which I fall asleep during driving. Yes.. asleep as in sleeping. When i woke up, the first incident I almost ran to a road divider, secondly I almost knock a car on my right, and thirdly almost missed the green light at the traffic light. But still I need to come to school that day, to complete all necessary forms regarding Pengawasan SPM and meeting with my authority. I need her signature for me to claim the payment of being Pengawas Peperiksaan SPM. And the form need to be submitted by end of this month. I may not get the same opportunity to meet my Pengetua next week, as she already said that she wont be around.

I only manage to be at school for a few hours. I even took the opportunity of discussing something regarding my work commitment with my immediate boss, and trying to find way out (which I prefer not to disclose yet). With some advices and some points to ponder, and finally got the signatures I need I excused myself to go home.

Thank God on my way home I was more alert. But the temperature seems hiking later in the evening. After some paracetamol, my husband took me to a clinic, and I was prescribed with antibiotic.

I still remember one incident during the fever, it was so high I think it must be more than 41 degree I finally decided to soak into a cool water in bathtub. My face was like on fire, and my head felt like exploded. After 10 minutes soaking, I remember having a relaxed feeling.

Wahh.. It's been so long since I had such high fever, the last time I remember was after faculty camping, I think back in 2003, when I was suspected having dengue...

But that was last few weeks. Pray I will have good health then.

And oh.. I am now have my forehead covered, I got three stitches over the deep wound from falling from stairs and knocked on the edge of the door. This saturday the stitches will be removed.

I hope it wont leave nasty scar..

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