Upon birth
One thing I admired you is your ability to sleep through the night.. It was indeed a very easy postpastum period especially during the nightime, and I did get enough rest at night. You were very generous with smiles, and without any reason you will smile. But one thing I rememberer, how you refused to be swaddled, you will kick your tiny feet and wriggled your hands free from your little blanket.
1 month
You still sleep through the night, and I was very thankful with that, and during the day you love to smile. I remember this hospital photographer came, and she said you were very camera-friendly. And seeing you in that album, you were very photogenic in that book!
2 months
I think this is was the time when you started to learn that you have a brother. You'll get excited whenever abang Umair hugs you.. You smiled like always, and always very happy. You kept on checking your brother whenever he move around, or making noise. At this age too you always babbled 'aahhh' continously, gnawing fingers, mostly the thumb and point finger. I really thought that you will have tooth very early, and perhaps I need to be extra prepared whenever the tooth emerged. And you did still sleep through the night, and I thank you for that.
3 months
You had your first travelling experience, we visited Disneyland Paris, and we stayed over daddy's friend's house for a night. It was raining the day we rode to Paris, and daddy was driving the car. But you have been a very good girl, you didn't cry a lot during our 2 and a half hours travel by car. And in Disneyland, you really behaved and it was a pleasant trip.
Finally the babbling has a sound, you started to babble 'bwah'.. And I remember you really loved to gnaw a fist, so funny when I think about it now. As if one fist really could fit your tiny little mouth. You did enjoyed sitting in the 'Fischer Price' rocker, listening to its cheerful tone, and at this age you know how to pay a smile back when mommy or daddy smiling at you. And you still sleep through the night.
4 months
At four months you had your first flight experience. We were going for holiday, or 'balik kampung' as our people would say for the Eid Mubarak for about 3 and a half weeks. We spent 20 hours of travelling time, including the transit flight and transit time. But you behaved so wonderful as we didn't have any problem during the flight. And I mean both flight, from Brussels-Rome-Kuala Lumpur, and from Kuala Lumpur-Rome-Brusels. Both of you, you and your brother received praises from other kind passengers for your both good behaviour.
At this age you began to show interest in food. You finally called 'mamma'. I was so thrilled back then. You brother has began calling me 'mimmie' but you started with 'mamma'. And you started to roll over clockwise. When tickled, you will chuckle! You always smiles broadly whenever daddy or I communicating with you, and giving us intense eye-contact. You also started to slide backwards, and you showed your interest to grasp toys out of reach.
5 months
I was quite confident that your teeth will emerged very soon when you babbling almost all of the time while gnawing your fingers. And yes your clothes were always wet with excess saliva, and I did put your bib on to control the trip from wetting your cloth. You started to reach for bright-coloured toys, and you do enjoyed being put into standing side by side with your brother. You also gave us the toothless big grin and loud chuckles whenever tickled. You started to take food from my hand into her mouth. new consonants,'papapa', 'bababa'. starting to wake up sometimes in the night for milk.
6 months
Finally you mastered crawling on knees, but so funny when you move backward at first. By 6 and a half months, you finally crawled forward. Whenever you saw me, you always smiles, but always worried when mummy was not around. You showed interest to play together with your brother, you pick some of your brother's trains, and you really loved to being put jumping on bed side by side with your brother. At this age mummy now start you on solid food, and we began with plain rice porridge. Unfortunately you hated it.. But I was surprised when you ate that porridge with chicken soup.. That was supposed to be you brother's meal but I know then it was tastier with soup than prorridge alone. And I taught you skill how to drink from cup, and guess what? You are easy learner! And funny stuff you did, you loves to put your mouth on my skin, and 'blow..
7 months
All of us were thrilled when we saw you started to pull yourself self up, 'walking' from a sofa to another sofa. And you were just 7 months old! You already mastered the crawl technique, but you really need full supervision. And why did I said so? You loved putting things into mouth, mouthing almost everything. I read somewhere that was one of the sign of teething.
You always sneaked on your brother's milk bottle, as if you really want to taste it. And I was so proud when you mastered drinking from a cup, less choking, and you managed to control the amount of fluid you sip. You also could ate biscuits independantly. You also had your new experince sitting in high chair, and you really enjoyed that! You will scream whenever your toys were taken away. When I tried to hide some toys in front of you, you always notice the location. You always babbling 'abababa' to call 'abang'. And what melts my heart was when you happily watched videos on youtube with your big brother. And there was one incident happened, for the very first time you able to climb out from walker by your own, causing you to fall, luckily nothing bad happened, and that was the only reason why daddy and I decided to put away the walker away in the box for good.
8 months
By now you started to accept the fact that you will have to sit in you baby seat during our outing with car. Sometimes when you almost asleep, you did this funny stuff, you mumbled, as if you were singing or humming to sleep. And whrn you sleep, you never stay put like before, instead tossing and turning around. I caught you once trying to get higher by climbing on your brother's motorcycle to reach inside the toy box. By now you had your own desire to choose toy to play, and will get very upset if any object in your hands was taken away. If you saw that mummy was not around, you will immediately look at the kitchen. And you started to refuse if mummy give you to daddy. But when mummy hold you, you always looked at daddy with head slightly fell on one side, and gave a little 'pick-me-up-smile'.. Your words were now varied, you said 'mama' when you asked for me, you said consonants 'emmmah' for indicating hungry and want to eat. You mouthed 'abba' which means 'abang' when you want to play with your brother. Every morning, you will clim and went across mummy to reach to your brother to kiss him.. You always laughed when mummy did silly dance, and getting excited when your brother join mummy to dance. You get worried when 'abang' cries after being scold. Funny thing you did qas you seems to 'sing' with an up and down sound made up from incomprehensible vowel and consonants, especially when you were playing alone, and when you sat in your baby car seat. By now, you were no longer the camera fans, it was getting difficult for me to take your picture smiling. And I do believe you are getting more social, you love to make eye contact with strangers, but will refuse if they offer you a lift. And at this age you were first time given chicken as meal, and you really love potatoes!
9 months
Every morning, you would wake up and immediately looking for your brother to kiss him on the head. You always trying to find chances to pat brother on the head, as normally mummy and daddy did to him. When mummy open arms, you would race to throw yourself to me. And when all of us were lying down on the carpet, you would happily crawled across each of us. You also love musical children show, especially 'Louie, Draw with me' and 'Tinga tinga Tales' Tv series, 'Thomas & Friends', and 'Chuggington'. And I was surprised when you did like 'tandoori chicken'! When mummy sing, you would make sound along as if you was singing too. When I was busy cooking in the kitchen, you loved to hug my leg, standing and tapping, demanding to be picked up.
10 months
A day after officially turning 10 months, you finally standing on your own! That was excellent my dear! You also recognized things like star, bear, and always point finger to things that interest you. You almost mastered climbing down from bed. One time I caught you successfully climbing coffee table on your own! And now you also can hold a small bottle to drink on your own, as well as using sippy cup independently. You had yoir first taste of nasi lemak with a bit of kuah rendang ayam, and I was excited when you finished the portion I gave you! By now you started to have your own desire, you will protest if the toy fron your hand were taken away. You could find object that has been hid, for example I hid cooking utensils in one of the cabinet, and you always know where did I always put them away. I noticed you were getting very attached to daddy, whenever daddy reach home from work, you will quickly go to daddy, offers your two little hands demanding daddy to pick you up. You also prefered to have the same meal that you brother have, and more interested to eat from the same bowl/ plate. You also knew how to assemble lego pieces together, knowing how to play with cars and trains, and you also love animated object. When mummy play silly games using silly voice over the soft toys, you will get excited! And you always offer me a kiss on cheek. You also mastered patty pat, clapping hands, and really love twinkle-twinkle little star song.
By week 3, you know how to wave byebye and say 'baba'. And you took your first five steps on 21th March 2012!
11 months
Right now you were master on walking. It was very seldom we see you crawl. You always laughing, and you love to 'shout'! You seems to enjoy hearing your high voice, and you enjoyed it even more when you brother was doing the same thing as you. At this time my dear, mummy was not so happy, I am very sorry my dear, I was very anxious to go back home. I was too occupied on taming my worries than spending the valuable time with my kids. Hmmmm. And you had your first hair cut done! Especially by mummy! With love of course!

You loved to play fight with your brother, that was very cute! And you were more curious than ever, and braver than your brother. You would go to the kitchen alone although I switched off the lamp. But if you couldn't find me anywhere you would cried 'mamamama', and that was heartbreaking my dear. I am sorry I have to do that, I wouldn't be able to spend time as much as I had now when we move back to Malaysia. Therefore I need to ready you mentally to learn to accept that mummy wouldn't be around for some time, but will always come back to you..
12 month, Happy ONE Year old to Dana Sufiya!
Oh dear, you were not well.on your birthday. We met Dr. Eva a day before your birthday, as you had quite a high fever two days before, with diarhhea and vomitting. Mummy and daddy were not sure what was the cause, but perhaps to your lack of appetite during our visit to London. You only want to eat rice, and refused yogurt, bread, or cereal. But the doctor said it was because you were teething, and its normal to have fever, diarhhea and vomits. But since you lost few weights due to the vomitting amd diarhhea, the doctor adviced mummy to control your diet, only rice, carrot, white meat from chicken, banana and apple, plus mummy's milk and water, so that you wouldn't get upset tummy.
So on your birthday, we bought you an apple tart. And we had our little birthday celebration. But you ate your tart very little, and you looked lethargic. The day after we finally decided to bring you to E.R, and you were admitted to ward for I.V. and observation, as your blood pressure was quite low, and you looked tired. That was your first experience being admitted to ward, and mummy stay with you a night.
Nonetheless, you became much stronger the day after, and we pray my dear, mummy, daddy and abang Umair, we pray for your health, may God Bless our family, and always Bless our Heart, Guiding us to the right path of life. and have Mercy on us. I pray my dear, may you grow to be 'solehah', always become a lovibg and kind person, clever and passionate about life, have strong faith, and always beloved by others. Never forget me my dear. I love you.