Today is our fifth anniversary. A year ago I wrote an entry about our forth anniversary. And today I'm proudly say, we are already 5! Sincerely honey, I want you to know that I LOVE YOU! Yes sayang, I will never stop saying that I love you. Thank you for this beautiful and colourful five years of marriage. This time, our anniversary brings us plenty of joy, and one of the best is our newest addition to the family, and she is just 8 months old. Born spring last year, she will turn one year this May.
Married for 5 years now, having two kids, a toddler who turns 3 years old little boy, and a baby who turns 8 months old toddler, are truly worth every pieces of experience. My husband, he always cherish every minute of it. Although there were the times when his schedule seems too tight for some family hours, he always manage to squeeze few micro moments to spend some times with those two adorable children. I couldn't even remember if he ever missed saying, 'siapa sangka? dah ada dua orang, a boy and a girl dalam rumah kita'. That words, that statement of his always win to warms my heart, and never fails to remind me to recite my thankfulness to Him, Alhamdulillah. I must admit, there were times when handling small kids become pretty challenging, and sometimes demand full attention and energy, but those challenges always turned out to be fulfilling yet treasurable. Yes, it's diamond beyond the rough. Like pearl beneath deep ocean.
Yes dearest husband. You have been my entire life for the past 5 years and I am looking forward to keep the number going on for the next coming years. We might have our own definition on how several things should be done, or that we could have a different level of understanding in certain matters, but nonetheless that completes us somehow in a special way. I knew you would agree with that, wouldn't you?
Thank you God for giving me the opportunity to become the vessel of life, giving me the ability to give birth to two beautiful child, and a chance to bring smiles to my dearest's face. Thank you God for this beautiful 5 years of marriage, and thank you for Your Neverending Kindness to comfort me whenever I seek for console, and thank you God for Your Gracious Love to always bestow me strength when I need them the most to keep my faith, and showers our life with thousand of bless. Thank you God, through the endless challenge of life, you teach us how to be strong and bold, yet being kind and patience towards one another. Thank you God, for everything.
I pray dear Almighty God, please let us be together, and keep us together in this world and hereafter, strengthen our bond, our love, and please keep us under your guidance, and please protect our faith, our life, and our safety from the unknown and evil doings, or from any evil intentions, and I pray Dear God, and to You and only You we beg and hope for mercy.
Happy Fifth Anniversary Dear Husband. From the day we were married I never stop thanking Him for His Blessing, and I just couldn't find any words, and no words could truly describe my love to you. I thank you for all the patience and tenderness during all these years, and with that, I must say that, I always proud to be your truly wife. I love you dear, and I pray that forever it will be.
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