Last year, in 2009, snow was heavily fall throughout Belgium, and that was never expected. It was told that last year was the worst winter in 30 years. Even the government wasn't really prepared with the heavy snow, and there was one unforgettable moment when Belgium lost its supply to provide the road salt to clear the road. Heavy snow started to fall just a week before Christmas, when it was mentioned in forecast earlier that snow was predicted to start to fall by early of January. And I still remember when the road is totally covered in white blanket, which was really hazardous to drive, as the road was slippery. The snow was so thick, one need to drive very slowly to prevent any bumping, as it was quite difficult for the untrained eyes to differentiate the road and the pathway, plus it was foggy. Of course, it was one memorable White Christmas indeed for those celebrating here in Brussels.
Well then, today it's almost a week since the first snow fall in Brussels in 2010. As a matter of fact, actually snow wasn't expected until the end of December.These signs of early snow may represent the long winter ahead this year, and the coolness may continue till early of spring. From time to time, I do witness that the snow is getting thicker and thicker. At the first sight, it was truly remarkable, seeing the snow flakes falling, when the weather is just over 1 degrees. But then, when the temperature outside dropped, (today it is around -2/ -3 degrees) it become freezing cold, and will getting colder by day, and beauty may become dangerous. One need to fully geared with good and thick winter jacket, with one good pair of winter shoes, and advised to wear muffler and gloves, before fully ready to embrace the biting cold of this year winter.
Below are among the first pictures of snow I took, and it was during on the third day of snow.

These two picture were taken from our dining room window. Noticed that the road and grass was almost covered with snow.

And today the snow is as thick as almost 3-5 inches high. The road and the grass are fully covered in white blanket, and it may quite dangerous for those inexperience drivers to driving around the neighbourhood. Noticed the 'not-so-white' tyre tracks left on the road.
Even my husband went to office by cab this morning. The road in front of our house is quite sloppy, which makes it quite slippery and quite dangerous to drive by. The current situation somehow made the idea to drive from this neighbourhood to office (as usual) became less inviting.

See the differences between these two pictures with the first two previous pictures? The roof, the grass, and the road?

Watching the snow falling, my son kept pointing that he wanted to go outside. Equipped with shoes and winter jacket, I gave my son the chance to play with the snow at our balcony. He was so thrilled with the sight of it, and kept on babbled 'ennoow' which means 'snow'..

Right now, I seem to have no idea to write any longer. (Writer's block, perhaps? ughh..)
But nonetheless, seeing the snow falling, looking soft and painted pure white, just like cotton is truly an amazing experience. I still yet to learn the art of using DSLR camera. I couldn't get my hand to capture the beauty of the snow fall. (sigh)
After all, a picture does tell thousands of stories, am I right?
p/s Happy Winter to those celebrating it.. As a matter of speaking, this was the time when most of Belgians missed the sun very much.
and oh, one more thing.. please excuse my English..
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