My dear, dear son finally turning to TWO today! yay! but not exactly the same, as we in Europe has different timezone, we decided to celebrate his birthday following Malaysian time.. which means, we are now 25th Nov, but in Malaysia, it's already 26th Nov.. haa.. kinda sneaky, but who cares.. I knew he's exactly TWO when it's 5am here in Europe. (do the maths please..)
I remember writing in my previous post that I'll make him one good cake for his special day, and guess what? I just couldn't find myself one good time to bake him one.. I hope my son will forgive me then.. (notice my face a bit tired, thanks for the make-up.. :p) But that doesn't meant I forget about his 2nd birthday, in fact I successfully managed to make doe-eye to my husband for us to celebrate his birthday at a diner.. hehe.. and daddy bought him one nice chocolatey pie for him last night. We brought along two sticks of birthday candle and lighted it on top of the pie for him to blow. And what an achievement! He managed to blow the candle, with his nose... (a bit weird, but it really works! proven!)
We had dinner at one chinese restaurant, and the owner said a lot of embassy people come here to enjoy their meal.. And one of my favourite, and Umair's too is the Crab Soup. Yummeh! I swear I could almost clean the bowl, and I did! haa.. and then we had a nice seafood fried rice, with a mixed vegetable cooked in soy sauce.. Voila! Am so delighted!
This year, Umair already got his advance birthday present.. to be precise, two weeks before his exact birthday. We bought him a nice good size Lego for his collection, and one cute fishing game from Le Grande Recre. And he's been playing with them ever since, fishing, and building lorries..
One delightful and memorable moment during Umair's birthday celebration, we were greeted with a nice flakes of snow.. wow! snow as early as November! that was really exciting, and Umair learnt new words.. 'ennoww' which means to be 'snow'.. haha.. Good boy!
Next year, if God's Will, he'll celebrate his birthday with new brother or sister. I wish he'll become a good brother that loves every member of the family, and grow to be a smart and great person. May God Bless you dear child..
And he completed his 2-year breastfeed session. I never plan to end his breastfeed session, and I was thinking to let him breastfeed for as long as he wish, but since the latest bump, I have to somehow take control of when he should be weaned completely. Am so sorry dearest one, mummy is reserving some space for your little sibling dear. I know you'll get through this. On the bright side, mummy's little darling is already BIG now! And getting brighter and more clever everyday! I love you dear.. am so loving you.. and so do you little one inside mummy.. :)
Tomorrow, mummy going to be very busy. We were expecting important guests for a sit-down dinner. I hope I could pull myself through it.
Again.. Happy Birthday Dearest Umair Iskandar! May God Bless you.
And to families and friends, wherever you are, thousand of thanks for the wishes. I'm sure Umair will cherish every wishes, and again.. please pardon my English..
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