
Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 : Life at Laos.

Hello again!

Finally, halfway in the new month of the new year 2016, I finally step foot in continuing the writing. As promised, here I am, happy yet still need time to settle down with family (especially with two kids and another incoming soon), we are finally manage to setting the ground in Laos. To be exact, in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. To those who is not familiar with Laos, it's a land surrounded with 5 different countries.

source : Wikipedia

And if you look closer, Vientiane is located very close to the border of Thailand. And the closest from our place is the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge, which connecting Vientiane and the district of Nong Khai, Thailand. There are three other bridge that connecting Thailand to Laos, which crossing over Mekong River. 

Tomorrow, some of my families (from my husband side) will come over and visit. (yay!). Ohh, for those in Malaysia who wih to visit Vientiane, Laos, they have direct flight from KLIA to Vientiane, via Airasia! And one point to remember, that flight ONLY available three days a week. You can find out more by visiting Airasia website.

I think that's all for the introduction for now. I have quite a to-do-list to be completed today, with a promise I shall update my blog very soon. I have plenty of ideas to write, already quite a memory to be shared. Oh and yes, I have crossing the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge once. The experience at the border was quite different than the lifestyle in Vientiane. That shall come later in my next next next writing..

Until then... I wish for everyone to have a blessed life and a happy heart as always! May this year 2016 makes us even luckier than ever!

Ohh, I miss Malaysia so much! Dear beloved families, friends, relatives back there, worry not, we are just being okay and perfectly normal here. Do pray and wish for us the best of luck. Until then!